Sonntag, 27. November 2016

Short Term Joint Staff Traning Event

TRAIning Transversal skills is working on 6 modules

I. Interpersonal and social communication
II. Learn to learn
III. Civic competencies
IV. Entrepreneurship
V. Cultural awareness and expression
VI. Sustainable development
After elaborating the first three modules by our partner organisations from Italy (Torino), Romania (Iasi) and Turkey (Burdur) they were presented in a six days training event to staff of all TRAIT partners.

Teachers, trainers and students were very satisfied with the great variety of information, lectures and exercises. Now the material has to be translated in all partners languages and uploaded to the projects working platform, Moodle.

Donnerstag, 10. März 2016

Questionnaires online

Under this link you can find the TRAIT questionnares used for the research to gain qualified results:

This will be the Intellectual Output Nr. 1 of TRAIT.

The questionnaires are available in all partner's languages as well as in English. The first Version adresses employers and personal managers, the second is realted to  teachers & Trainers.

Dienstag, 2. Februar 2016

TRAIT on Facebook

Setting up our partnership and starting to disseminate information we also use facebook.

So you may join us

Soon we will start our research related to the 6 topics we will work on:
Interpersonal communication
Learning to learn
Social and civic competences
Sense of initiative  and entrepreneurship
Cultural awareness and expression
Ethical values and sustainable development - good governance

The research will be done by questionnaires passed to 50 people by eych partner:
25 employers
(any kind of employers, especially small and medium organisations)
25 teachers
(preferably VET) or trainers who deal with adolescents, young people who are close to the age of having the right to work

If you want to take part in our research don't hesitate to ask for a questionnaire or newsletter!

Transversal Skills

In the TRAIT project we are dealing with transversal skills. But what is that exactly?
Here the definition by the Glossary Of Education:

21st Century Skills

The term 21st century skills refers to a broad set of knowledge, skills, work habits, and character traits that are believed—by educators, school reformers, college professors, employers, and others—to be critically important to success in today’s world, particularly in collegiate programs and contemporary careers and workplaces. Generally speaking, 21st century skills can be applied in all academic subject areas, and in all educational, career, and civic settings throughout a student’s life.
It should be noted that the “21st century skills” concept encompasses a wide-ranging and amorphous body of knowledge and skills that is not easy to define and that has not been officially codified or categorized. While the term is widely used in education, it is not always defined consistently, which can lead to confusion and divergent interpretations. In addition, a number of related terms—including applied skills, cross-curricular skills, cross-disciplinary skills, interdisciplinary skills, transferable skills, transversal skills, noncognitive skills, and soft skills, among others—are also widely used in reference to the general forms of knowledge and skill commonly associated with 21st century skills. While these different terms may not be strictly synonymous, and they may have divergent or specialized meanings in certain technical contexts, these diverse sets of skills are being addressed in this one entry for the purposes of practicality and usefulness.
While the specific skills deemed to be “21st century skills” may be defined, categorized, and determined differently from person to person, place to place, or school to school, the term does reflect a general—if somewhat loose and shifting—consensus. The following list provides a brief illustrative overview of the knowledge, skills, work habits, and character traits commonly associated with 21st century skills:
  • Critical thinking, problem solving, reasoning, analysis, interpretation, synthesizing information
  • Research skills and practices, interrogative questioning
  • Creativity, artistry, curiosity, imagination, innovation, personal expression
  • Perseverance, self-direction, planning, self-discipline, adaptability, initiative
  • Oral and written communication, public speaking and presenting, listening
  • Leadership, teamwork, collaboration, cooperation, facility in using virtual workspaces
  • Information and communication technology (ITC) literacy, media and internet literacy, data interpretation and analysis, computer programming
  • Civic, ethical, and social-justice literacy
  • Economic and financial literacy, entrepreneurialism
  • Global awareness, multicultural literacy, humanitarianism
  • Scientific literacy and reasoning, the scientific method
  • Environmental and conservation literacy, ecosystems understanding
  • Health and wellness literacy, including nutrition, diet, exercise, and public health and safety

Taken from

Freitag, 8. Januar 2016

TRAIT is a synonym for training transversal skills, it is a strategic partnership funded by the EU under the frame of Ersamus plus (KA 2).

New pedagogical approaches and ICT tools that support development and assessment of transversal skills should 
a) increase learners' motivation, and 
b) help next-level education institutions and employers to get a better insight into all types of the applicants' learning outcomes, skills/competences and future learning needs.

The overall objective of this project is to create mechanisms that enable development, monitoring and acknowledgement of learners' transversal skills. We will achieve this goal with the help of an innovative blended learning training course based on a detailed descriptive research of the transversal skills approach and importance in 6 European countries (Romania, Italy, Germany, Czech Republic, Austria and Turkey).

This blog will inform about the project, the progress and outcomes for the next two years.